Monday, February 28, 2011

The Thursday Adventures.

My loyal, albeit small, band of followers will notice that I have changed the name and address of my blog. This is because I found the subject of reviewing children’s books too limiting. I read all kinds of different books do all sorts of different things and have decided to write about whatever tickles my fancy.

I decided to call my blog The Thursday Adventures, because every Thursday I watch my nephews, who are three and four. Every week, I plan on recounting my The Thursday Adventures because they are just too funny not to mention. My brother would prefer if I did not use their real names so I will refer to them as Rufus and Franklin for the purposes of my posts.

It has been four years since I started watching the boys, but of course at the time, Rufus was the only one. Franklin came along and the three of us have had more fun together that I ever could have imagined.

Rufus is very intelligent. He is four years old and I often feel like I am speaking to a mini-grown-up when he tells me something. He uses words like ‘actually’ and ‘seriously’ all the time. As in, ‘actually Aunt Char-char, I think it would be better if you pretended to be Yoda today’ or ‘I think Yoda should seriously consider going in a different direction if he doesn’t want his head chopped off.’

I find it very important to follow these suggestions. If you do not when playing with my nephews, you are often shunned and forced to play a non-speaking person such as Chewbacca. If you are Chewy, you can only make grunting noises and use your wookie strength to rip limbs off of other characters.

Franklin is very different from his older brother. He is less serious and far sillier. He enjoys making up songs, and adding the word ‘poop’ to these songs. As in, “We’re going on a trip in our poopy rocket ship, zooming through the skies, poopy Einstein’s!’ His love of the word ‘poop’ cracks me up because I happen to agree with him. Poop is funny.

As an Aunt, I am unencumbered by the parental parameters most people face. I figure it’s my job to make sure they don’t fight, get into trouble, get hurt and have the best time possible when I’m over. That usually involves me wearing a cape in the back yard while playing Batgirl, or a dinosaur hat we pretend is a stuffed alligator I killed and turned into a hat. This is a roll I invented and refer to as Cap’n Betty and for some reason; Cap’n Betty speaks like a Cajun Jimmy Stewart. Cap’n Betty shouts things like, ‘There’s gators in these waters’ and ‘Smile you son-of-a-sea turtle!’ while chucking fake torpedoes at imaginary alligators.

Our battles our epic, our adventures are grand, and our bond is priceless.

Look for more posts about the Thursday Adventures each week. As for the rest of my posts, I will discuss whatever I happen to find interesting. This could be anything from a new TV show I have watched to what’s going on in my kitchen. Anything! Thanks to my loyal followers out there, I hope you enjoy the new posts!


  1. Thanks Angelamma- I love your name by the way- thankfully the boys don't care about my accent one way or the other, lol. They think I'm funny, bless them ;0)

  2. I must say Ms. Charlotte...I am very proud of you. You have a true gift. Quick story about my big Sister. We had my wife and Charlotte's husband's birthday dinner last night at my Mom and Dad's. Charlotte played with Ruffus and Franklin for hours. They would come out smiling every so often to get someone else to join the fray. Wheter that was The Penguin (Char's husband) or Mr. Freeze(Gramps). It is very cute to watch. You bring out the best in those boys and I know soon enough you will share that with all your readers. I look forward to the day that my little guy is old enough to experience those same adventures as Ruffus and Franklin. Eventhough your books haven't gotten published yet, you share your gift with our family every Thursday and at every family function. Thank you for that. Don't let anyone break your spirits. Love you!

  3. Love it Char! I will look forward to every Thursday now!! Keep it up and I can't wait to see your name in print!!
