Rufus once told me I’m a great play-doh-er. Actually, the conversation went something like this:
Rufus: Aunt Charsh, you’re a terrible drawer. That bird doesn’t look like a bird at all really.
Me: It doesn’t?
Rufus: (considering) actually, it looks like a blob with wings.
Me: Well, I tried.
Rufus: Don’t worry; you’re a great Play-doh-er. Nobody makes Play-doh stuff like you.
Me: Thanks buddy.
Rufus is always kind that way- he never wants to hurt anyone’s feelings, a trait I admire in a child so young. The boys and I play play-doh often because it is one of my favorite things to do. Honestly, I just love it. I love the way it feels, I love making shapes and using the fun factory and I could care less that it makes a huge mess.
When we were kids, my Mom used to make play-doh for us all the time. For some reason, my two favorite colors were blue and purple. My infinitely patient Mom used to whip up batch after batch of the stuff and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I still remember the way it felt all warm and fresh from the pot. I even remember the way it tasted- salty. If you claim to have never tried play-doh, I find this hard to believe. Who hasn’t at least tried it and spit it out?
Both Rufus and Franklin have tried it. Rufus spit it out and said yuck- Franklin swallowed it and tried to eat more. I finally got him to stop when I told him it would give him weird rainbow colored poop.
Another thing we enjoy doing together is doing art projects. We cut out paper, use glue, and scissors. This too makes a huge mess, but I never mind cleaning it up because the boys seem to like it so much. We have some of our best conversations at the kitchen table. Here’s one of my favorites I jotted down:
Rufus: Aunt Char-char?
Me: Yes, sir?
Franklin: His name’s not sir!
Me: Really? I thought it was Sir. Sir Rufus Allowicious-Do-the-dishes Magoo.
Rufus: (Laughing) Is your name Charshie-Dagarshie-pooparshie?
Me: Why, yes it is! And who are you Franklin?
Franklin: I’m Batman.
Me: Batman-doratman-shmoe-matman?
Franklin: No.
Batman should never be messed with.
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