Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.

(Sorry for the large number of posts today- my computer had a bunch of viruses, so I hand wrote these and just had time to put them all up)

I don’t know if any of you have ever read the book, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs before, but as a kid if was one of my favorites. My Mom was really big on reading to us- whether it was picture books or chapter books, she always took the time to read to us each and every night and I am so grateful to her for it. My love of reading started at a young age, and I knew I wanted to be a writer when I was about six which I feel was in large part because she was always reading to us.

When I heard they were making Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs into a movie, I was so excited. I wasn’t sure how they would do it with such a short book, but I was looking forward to seeing it none the less. I have to say, I loved the movie. Though nothing like the book, I thought it had lots of great adult/child humor and I knew that Rufus and Franklin would love it the moment I saw it.

The morning began at 8 am, and Rufus and Franklin were in their P-jams when I arrived, as usual. We had breakfast, did the usual grooming stuff then read the book, which lead to the following conversation:
Rufus: I think it would be terrible if giant meatballs fell from the sky. I don’t like meatballs.

Me: No? I could have sworn you loved them!

Rufus: (making a face) Yuck!

Me: (laughing) I know, I know, you don’t really like meat that much.

Franklin: Well, I like meat! I like meatballs! And sausage! And Salami! Especially Sausage because it’s delicious. Grandma makes me sausage.

Me: (laughing) I know she does! I’m glad you like meat. I have a great idea. How about we do a drawing of what we would like it to rain? After that we can watch the movie. I brought happy face stickers we can use to decorate our papers too.

Both: OK!!

We raced off to the kitchen and got to work on our drawings. We each decided on the best thing it could rain and came up with the following:
Rufus, who has a sweet tooth, said he’d like it if it rained ice cream or jelly beans. Franklin, who has a deep appreciation for meat, said he’d like it if it rained hamburgers and sausage. I picked potato chips, as I prefer a salty snack.

After, we watched the movie and decided that the monkey, called Steve was the best part about the movie. When I asked whether they preferred the movie or the book- they said the movie. I can’t blame them; Steve the monkey was really funny after all. We talked about how fun it would be to have puddles filled with chocolate milk, and what it would be like if pancakes fell from the sky. It was great fun! In the end, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs was another great Thursday Adventure.

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