This my friends, is one fabulous series. The Sisters Grimm book series is about two little girls named Sabrina and Daphne Grimm whose parents mysteriously disappeared. These two girls were shuffled from one foster home to the next until they came to live with Relda Grimm, a grandmother they never knew they had, in a town called Fairyport landing. Here's the fantastic part; Sabrina and Daphne are descendants of the Brothers Grimm whose fairy tales are not actually make-believe stories, but actual historical accounts of the lives of these fairy tale folks.
So where do these girls fit in? It has always been the job of the Grimm family to protect to protect the people of Fairyport Landing as fairy tale detectives. In the first book, The Fairy Tale Detectives, Sabrina and Daphne have to stop a giant from destroying their new found home.
What I like best about these books is the way Buckley blends these stories with real life scenarios. For example, Snow White is the local school teacher and Puck, from Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream, is a flying Fairy that lives with the girls' Granny Relda and is every bit as mischievous as readers expect him to be.
In all honesty, these books are just fun. I spent a great deal of my childhood reading Fairy-tales and when my sister told me about these books, I rushed out to buy them all. They even look like old volumes of fairy-tales with their hard covers embossed with gold writing and a small picture that looks like a snapshot on the cover. What could be better than that?
These books are excellent for readers just starting out too because Buckley is very gifted at explaining things simply, so the reader understands what he means. I would highly recommend these to anyone who wants to be entertained from cover to cover.
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