Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Why I love Childern's books.

More than once, I've been described as child-like. Maybe it's the way I laugh, or carry myself. Or maybe it's because I secretly still like to play and act silly. Above all things, I think a great imagination is the very best thing a person can have. Imagination can take you anywhere, and you can do anything- as long as you can dream it up.

Which is what I do whenever I begin another book. I've always relied on my imagination to act as a refuge. That's not to say I try to avoid reality. All my life I've given myself five minutes here or there to imagine what things would be like if they happened differently. In the minutes I allowed myself, I learned what I wanted to do with my life: write children's books.

For years, I have been reading children's books because the truth is, in a children's book, it's alright to believe in magic and a fairy tale is something common place, even expected. To me, the ultimate fun is in throwing yourself into a world someone else has created, or in my case, one I've dreamt up. What makes writing or reading a books so great is that even though the author has made this world their own, we all put our own spin on it. In each of our minds, the make believe world is just a little bit different and so is how we view the characters.

Isn't that a wonderful thought? That every time we pick up a book, we bring something of ourselves with us? Amazing. Which brings me to my decision on what to blog about. There is nothing I love more than to read- and most of my favorite books come from the children's book section- so here are my toughts on them.


  1. Great blog idea! I have been blogging for a few years and love it... www.thewatson6.blogspot.com.
    Looking forward to following you!

  2. 'That every time we pick up a book, we bring something of ourselves with us?'
    well said...

    good luck on the blog; I had one a long time ago and found it an excellent way to share...
